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Facility Use

The school district facilities are provided by the people in order that the youth of the community may receive the benefits of a sound educational program. It is the policy of the Rogers Board of Education to make district buildings and facilities available to the community in accordance with the following guidelines.

Groups may be assessed appropriate fees to use a facility. In no instance shall the use of a facility cause district expenditures which are not recovered. The Board of Education reserves the right to make final decisions concerning the use of facilities.

The renting group will assume all liability for injury or damage to individuals or property and to indemnify and hold harmless the school district and its employees from any loss or damage. The renting group will observe all fire and safety regulations. In addition, the use of tobacco and alcoholic beverages on school district grounds is strictly prohibited.

Further, the renting group will agree that no immoral or illegal activity will take place on/in the premises. No meeting will be held in a school building for the purpose of advancing any doctrine or theory subversive to the Constitution or laws of the State of Arkansas or the United States or for any other purpose that may be detrimental or destructive to the buildings, fixtures, furniture, or property.

The Board of Education reserves the right to refuse approval or to cancel any and all agreements issued for the use of school district property when it is deemed that such action is necessary for the best interests of the district. Board of Education policies and regulations, which govern school use of facilities, will, when applicable, also govern community use of school district facilities.

Facility Use Guidelines (approved and updated January 17, 2023)

  1. District facilities will be made available for community use as long as there is no conflict with official school schedules according to the following guidelines, rental rate groupings and the facilities use rules and agreement:
    • Group I: Rogers Community-School Recreation Association pursuant to a Use Agreement and annual review of programs and and schedules; and school support groups organized for the expressed purpose of supporting authorized district programs. In order to qualify for Group I status, the school support group must be approved in advance by the district administration. Examples of school support groups are PTAs, PTOs, booster clubs for sports, academic, band, orchestra teams and the Rogers Public Schools Education Foundation.
    • Group II: Non‑profit groups
    • Group III: Commercial, for-profit organizations and individuals (High School use only).
  2. An approved staff member must be present whenever the building is in use. All groups will be assessed a charge for reimbursement to cover personnel.
  3. The principal of the school will be the approving authority for use of the school facilities. After approval has been granted the Facilities Director will coordinate the required personnel.
  4. Any group or organization using school facilities shall designate one member of its group to be in charge of and responsible for the program or activity. This person shall be the contact person and responsible for application and payment. All groups using school facilities must be properly supervised. Proper supervision will be determined by the building principal.
  5. Rental time is defined as hours when renters, event planners and others associated with an event have access to the facility and will include both entry and exit time for the facility, rehearsal, set-up or practice times needed prior to the scheduled event as well as break-down and clean-up times.
  6. Groups are responsible for their own set‑up and clean‑up under the supervision of the school staff member on duty. Groups, which use school buildings, must leave them in suitable condition for the operation of the school program. Any clean up time by school personnel will charged for reimbursement.
  7. It will be the responsibility of the applicant to see that all persons have vacated the school buildings and grounds promptly at the time specified on the permit. 
  8. The district reserves the right to require armed security for any event it deems necessary.  Security personnel will be arranged through local law enforcement and approved by the district.  The costs for security will be the sole responsibility of the renting organization or group.
  9. Building rental does not include the use of equipment unless requested and approved on the application (additional charges may apply).
  10. Any concessions sold or used during an event must adhere to the district beverage contract.
  11. Requests for multiple uses from Groups II and III will not be considered. (Multiple uses are more than three times per school year.)
  12. A deposit of 10% of the estimated fees and costs is due at the time the event is approved and the facility is reserved.  If the event is cancelled by the organization, the deposit will be non-refundable.
  13. Any event considered to be a public service will not be assessed facility fees but will be charged personnel costs if the event requires additional personnel.
  14. Any exceptions to these guidelines may be made only through a review committee as designated by the superintendent.
  15. Facility Use Agreements are not transferrable to any other person or group, subleasing is prohibited.
  16. Users assume full and complete responsibility for the conduct of all persons, regardless of age, associated with their use of the facility.

Rental Fees and Personnel Costs

No Fee Charge for Group I

Fees Do Not Include Personnel Charges
Rogers Schools Facility Rental Fees
Facility Group II Non-Profit (hourly rate)3 Group III commercial, for profit, individuals (hourly rate)3  
High School1      
HHS Auditorium $200.00 $225.00  
RHS Auditorium $225.00 $250.00  
Cafeteria/Commons $150.00 $175.00  
Lecture Hall $75.00 $125.00  
Middle Schools2      
Cafeteria/Commons $100.00    
Main Gym $125.00    
Cafeteria $75.00    
Northside, Lowell, Tillery & Tucker Gyms $50.00    
All Kitchens $250.00 plus reimbursement for required kitchen staff  

 1High school usage fee is billed for a minimum of 4 hours.

  2Middle & Elementary School usage fee is billed for a minimum of 3 hours. If middle school auxiliary      gym is used,  additional $25.00 /hour will be added to main gym rate.

 3If admission is charged, the review committee will determine charges.

  • All fees and estimated personnel charges will be paid at least seven (7) business days prior to use.
  • The principal or designee will determine personnel required for high school functions.
  • If an event causes custodial staff to work additional hours beyond their normal work hours, there will be a charge  for appropriate custodial fees.
  • All kitchen use will be approved and coordinated with the food service director (additional charges apply). 
  • Any event, which the district believes will cause maintenance or replacement expenses not covered by the  standard fees may be assessed an additional fee.

PERSONNEL CHARGES- All personnel charges are based on a minimum of three hours and billed hourly according to the current salary schedule plus 25%.
To submit a facility use request or to rent a facility/space:
District Staff or approved school clubs/organizations (for after hours or weekend events).
Please use the link to submit a facility use request for district sponsored or required events through the online request system.  Requests must be received no less than seven (7) business days prior to the event date, instructions on how to submit the form online is located at the following link:

Facility Request Tutorial

For community use or rental of a district facility/space:
Please fill out and submit the linked form. Requests must me submitted no less than fourteen (14) business days prior to the requested event date. Rental requests are processed through the Maintenance Department located in the David Cauldwell School Services Complex, a deposit equal to 10% of the total estimated costs and fees is due at the time the event is approved and the facility reserved.