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Gifted & Talented (REACH)

What Is REACH?

R... eaching

E... xceptional

A... cademic and

C... reative

H... eights

  The Rogers Public School District seeks to challenge ALL students. To help precocious youth who are at or above grade level, we have a variety of program services to academically challenge and grow students. The gifted and talented program in Rogers is called REACH.   All K-2 students in the district receive direct and indirect services from our REACH facilitators unless they are formally placed into the REACH program. Direct pullout services (REACH classes) are typically offered to our third through seventh graders. Formal identification usually begins during the fourth quarter for our second graders using a universal screener for all students, but continues throughout twelfth grade to ensure the best placement of students. A minimum of 150 minutes of direct services for our gifted and talented students is scheduled weekly in block segments. Our 6th and 7th grade REACH classes are G/T seminars that met daily in lieu of their reading class.   Beginning in 7th grade, we offer Pre-AP, Advanced Placement (AP), accelerated math, and concurrent course offerings for students in 7th -12th grades. Nearly all of these secondary courses are available to all students who are willing to accept the challenge regardless of any previous gifted identification. We are also one of the only school districts in the state with a pretigious honors academy open to any high school student in the Rogers School District. For more information about the Rogers Honors Academy, click here

REACH Quiz Bowl

Indirect services are also added to this design in the form of differentiation through compacting, independent contracts, tiered learning assignments, and teacher team meetings. REACH facilitators are also a part of each building's Professional Learning Community (PLC) team to monitor growth among our identified gifted students but also to extend the learning for all students who have demonstrated proficiency. 
In addition to our REACH classes, many schools have instituted a School-wide Enrichment Model, (SEM) to meet the needs of each campus at the elementary and middle school levels (K-5 and 6-8). Our SEM programs are designed to nurture talent development for all students, not just for our identified gifted and talented populations. Some of our SEM offerings include creative problem solving, Odyssey of the Mind (OM), Quiz Bowl, Stock Market Game (SMG), creative writing, Speech Clubs, collaborative teaming, National History Day (NHD), Amazing Shake, lunch time book chats, curriculum extensions, Chess tournaments, Knowledge Master Competitions, Word Master Competitions, ESOL enrichment and many more. 


In 2022, the Rogers REACH program was recognized as the BEST Gifted and Talented program in Arkansas for a large school district (ADM <3,000). This high distinction is given annually by the Arkansas Governor's Advisory Council for Gifted and Talented Education, known as the Act 56 award during the AGATE convention. 

REACH Advisory Committee
The G/T Advisory Committee is composed of parents, teachers, and community members who support the G/T Program in the Rogers Public Schools. Dialogue groups as well as various subcommittees report to the steering committee to make recommendations to the G/T Office.

Contact Us

Dustin Seaton, Director of Advanced Programs
500 W. Walnut St.
Rogers, AR 72756

Julie Adams, Advanced Programs Secretary
500 W. Walnut St.
Rogers, AR 72756

Competitive Edge Projects
