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Why consider a career with the Rogers Public Schools?

A career with Rogers Public Schools has much to offer a prospective applicant. The following information should whet your appetite for life in the beautiful Ozarks: 

We are located in the northwest corner of the state, nestled in forested rolling hills. We enjoy a high quality of life, including a reasonable cost of living, a beautiful climate with four seasons (glorious fall foliage; enough snow to be pretty, but not so much that traveling is too difficult; spring that is alive with blooming dogwoods and redbuds and festive flowers; relatively low humidity in summer); low crime rate; excellent public services and medical facilities; numerous cultural opportunities; and a thriving economy with low unemployment.
Many teachers avail themselves of the proximity to the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, located 25 minutes south of Rogers. Graduate courses in education at the masters, specialist, and doctoral levels are offered in the evenings and on Saturdays, as well as in the summer. 

There are numerous opportunities for the sports-minded, including lots of golf courses, and hunting, fishing, camping, and hiking. The center of town is only ten minutes away from beautiful Beaver Lake, a 30,000+ acre playground with much to offer the outdoor enthusiast. 

Our community supports its schools. In fact, our voters have never failed to approve tax increases which support our schools and programs. 

Our schools maintain a safe and orderly environment and high achievement levels above the national average. 

What are the benefits of working in the Rogers Public Schools? 

If the benefits listed above are not enough, consider these added attractions: 

Our salaries are competitive with surrounding districts and surrounding states, and we boasted one of the highest career-earning potentials in Arkansas in recent years. 

Benefits include ten sick days per year with unlimited accumulation. Four days per year may be used for personal leave. As an incentive for good attendance, unused leave is reimbursed upon retirement. 

Speaking of retirement, Arkansas has one of the best retirement systems in the nation, with sound investments resulting in higher monthly payments to retirees. Full retirement benefits are available to employees with 28 years of service. A deferred retirement plan allows teachers to continue working after 28 years of service with the added benefit of larger monthly payments upon final retirement. 

The district provides no-cost long-term disability insurance for all full-time employees. In addition, $140 of the health insurance premium is paid by the district. There are numerous optional insurance plans available under our tax-advantage cafeteria plan (vision, dental, ICU, cancer, life, etc.) 

It sounds too good to be true. What do I do now? 

Fill out an application! Areas of particular need: counselors; library/media specialists; special education teachers; ESOL teachers; and science, math, and foreign language teachers. However, we anticipate openings in all grade levels and most subject areas. 

Did you know . . . ? 

  • Rogers is one of the largest school districts in Arkansas, with 15 elementary schools, four middle schools,  three high schools, and many programs for an enrollment of approximately 15,000 students. 
  • We employ approximately 1,000 certified staff members and about 700 classified staff members. 
  • The Rogers school system has a one-mill tax dedicated solely to technology for the schools. 
  • Our programs and staff have won numerous state and national awards. The Washington Post has ranked both Rogers Heritage High School and Rogers High School among the top 1,000 secondary schools nationwide. We have had four Milken Family Foundation winners. Our PE program was honored as the top program in the state. Two of our middle schools have been named Shannon Wright Award-winners for being outstanding middle schools and one was named the first Diamond School to Watch in Arkansas. The district, its teachers and its administrators have been recognized in the areas of early childhood education, economics, counseling, physical education, gifted and talented curriculum, science, technology, and state and national Teachers of the Year.  More than 100 of our teachers have achieved certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
  • We have well-maintained, modern facilities. In fact, we have grown so quickly that half of our schools have been built in the last 20 years.

There may be a position for YOU!

Equal Opportunity

The Rogers Public School District does not discriminate in its policies and programs on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, handicap, national origin, or ancestry. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX or Title VI, may be referred to the Equity Coordinator; 500 W. Walnut Street, 479-636-3910.