Kiwanis Club Earl Collins Foundation Scholarship
DEADLINE: 1/15/25
The Kiwanis Club Earl Collins Foundation Scholarship Fund was established in 1960 to perpetuate the memory of Dr. Earl A. Collins, an educator, past governor and first salaried secretary and editor of the KIWANIGRAM. He was a 15-year faculty member of Central Missouri State College and afterwards was on the Southeast Missouri State faculty for 20 years. As a Kiwanian, he was a charter member of the Cape Girardeau Kiwanis Club and was Mo-Ark District Governor in 1952. He served as Mo-Ark District Secretary from 1956 until his death in 1960. In 1984, in order to further honor Dr. Collins, the Earl Collins Scholarship Fund was incorporated into a Foundation and its purpose was expanded.
Today, with its world headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana, the organization is a living, thriving body of dynamic, service minded individuals of all ages, connecting through traditional adult clubs and four “Service Leadership” programs for youth and young adults. There are more than 8,000 Kiwanis clubs with nearly 280,000 members in 70 nations and geographic areas. They are all “Serving the Children of the World” through their involvement in the Kiwanis family. In one year, Kiwanis clubs sponsored 150,000 service projects. To do so, Kiwanians raised and spent nearly $110 million and contributed six million hours of volunteer time. The defining statement of Kiwanis: Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.