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RPS school bus

As a valuable part of the Rogers Public Schools team, the Transportation Department works to provide our students comfortable, safe and reliable transportation. We are extremely proud of the people in our transportation department and of the job they perform to get our children to and from school safely each day. 

As the largest mass-transit organization between Little Rock and Tulsa, the district's transportation department provides bus service for 256 square miles. During the past several years, our district has been on the cutting edge in providing safe travel for all of our students. Our entire fleet is equipped with two-way mobile radio communication, front safety crossing gates, and roof-mounted strobe warning lights. All of our buses have interior-mounted camera surveillance systems to assist in monitoring behavior inside the school buses. 

Another enhanced feature making Rogers a very progressive district is its transportation management system. This computer-based system enables the district to effectively locate addresses and dispatch buses throughout the entire district. Rogers is also one of the few districts to implement a mentor program to enhance driver training. 

The maintenance staff includes a service manager, three mechanics and a detail technician, all of whom share the responsibility of keeping our bus fleet safe and clean for passengers. These maintenance people do an outstanding job for the safety of our children. 

Student behavior is another area where Rogers Public Schools have been pro-active. We have a disciplinary supervisor who is responsible for overseeing student behavior on our buses district-wide. Many people do not realize that riding a school bus is a privilege, not a right. Public school districts in Arkansas are not required by law to furnish transportation to their students. When transportation is furnished, students, and parents alike, should realize the school bus is an extension of the classroom. In addition to school bus specific rules, classroom discipline rules also apply while riding a school bus. 

Parents/Guardians should always make sure they know the bus route number and bus stop location information for their child.  In addition, they should always be able to describe what their child was wearing when they left for school in the morning. This information is vital for the school based and transportation staff in the search for a student whom has not arrived home from school due to boarding the wrong bus at school dismissal.
Student should arrive at the assigned bus stop at least ten (10) minutes before the published bus stop time

What does limited bus service mean?

During the winter months, the Rogers School District may only be able to offer limited bus service because of certain road conditions. If the district announces limited bus service will be available, that means if the road leading to your child's bus stop is not safe for a bus, then the bus can be met at a main road on the bus' route that the bus is able to reach safely. More on typical inclement weather routes...

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Contact Us

Ron Young, Director of Transportation
