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Public Participation at Board Meetings

Education is a cooperative undertaking between the schools and the community, and a successful program can be developed only when there is understanding and communication.  

All regular and special meetings of the school boards in Arkansas are held in public but are not public meetings. The Rogers Board of Education follows a written agenda, a copy of which is available to assist you in participating in the meeting.  

The Rogers Board of Education allots in each of its regularly-scheduled meetings up to one-half hour for citizens' participation under agenda item "Comments from School Patrons" to address issues that are not on the meeting's agenda. This time is for school patrons to share their views on ways to improve the educational program and ways to improve the processes, including communication, for bringing about such improvements. Members of the public speaking as individuals will be allotted up to three minutes and members speaking for organizations up to five minutes. At the appropriate time, all speakers must be recognized by the Board president and must properly identify themselves. If time does not permit all those wishing to speak to do so, written comments may be left with the Board secretary.  

Members of the public will not be recognized by the president as the Board conducts its official business except when the Board schedules in advance an interim public discussion period on a particular item.