Lingle Information
Due to extensive damage sustained from the Memorial Day Weekend tornado, Greer Lingle Middle School students and staff will be relocated for the 2024-2025 school year while the building is remodeled. Here, we will work to keep you updated on the process.
We are still working on many details, and it is possible that plans and procedures will change as we go along. We plan to keep parents informed on any changes.
There will be an open house at Rogers New Technology High School.
- 6th-grade: Aug. 8, 5-6:30 p.m.
- 7th- and 8th-grades: Aug. 12, 5-6:30 p.m.
Oct. 31 UPDATE
Dear Lingle Middle School Parents,
We wanted to provide a quick update on the progress at Lingle Middle School. Several parents and staff members have expressed a concern that there is extremely little visible work being done on LMS at this point. They have also expressed a concern that LMS will not be ready for students to return in August 2025. In any project, and especially in renovation projects, the planning, design, and permitting work takes a long time. We have been working with all the relevant entities to complete all the necessary preconstruction programming. Demolition officially began last week, so starting this week, staff and parents will notice more visible signs of construction activity.
We spoke with our contractors earlier this week, and they see no problem with having LMS opened for school in August. The fine arts addition will not be finished by August because we are converting that area into a storm shelter, and it will take additional time. We should be finished with the fine arts room by the end of September. We have every plan and intention of moving staff and students back into LMS in August. In fact, the companies are picking up the mobile units in June, so we must have LMS ready by August. The school will not be entirely finished, but it will be substantially completed by the start of school next year.
It is important to note that this will be a total renovation. LMS will get all new HVAC systems, a new roof, new floors, new lights, new ceiling tiles, new fire suppression systems, new digital/electrical upgrades, a new storm shelter, etc. There will be about 5,000 additional square feet added to the building for the shelter and fine arts, but the rest of the building will remain the same. Although there will be little additional square footage added, virtually everything will be new within LMS.
We would normally reconfigure the office area to force visitors into the office before gaining access to the rest of the school. We considered doing this, but the new configuration would add months to the planning and construction phase. We still have plans to improve this aspect of LMS, but our primary focus is to ensure staff and students return in the fall.
Bottom line – we are within budget and on schedule to reopen the brand-new LMS in August 2025. Hang on LMS Staff - we will have you back home in 10 months!
Jeff Perry, Superintendent