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Volunteers play an important and valuable role in the Rogers Public Schools. Students, teachers, staff, parents and the community all benefit from the work of individuals who volunteer their talents and resources. Each year, over 1,500 volunteers contribute 50,000 hours to help our students and this is one of the reasons the Rogers School District is able to offer a high-quality education to the future of our community.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact the volunteer coordinator at any of our schools. Your help would be very appreciated. 

Ways Volunteers Can Help

Read to children
Conduct flash card drills
Assist in learning centers
Help contact parents
Work in health room
Check out audio-visual equipment
Make instructional games
Assist with vision testing
Prepare materials
Help with book fairs
Reinforce sight words
Chaperone field trips
Make props for plays
Gather resource materials
Help children with arts and crafts
Check out books from public library
Escort children to restroom, library, cafeteria
Prepare classroom materials
Discuss careers and hobbies
Reinforce learning of the alphabet
Drill recognition of color words
Talk to children - be a mentor
Help children learn a foreign language
Make puppets
Dramatize a story
Set up a "grocery store" to practice math skills
Demonstrate skills
Discuss safety
Participate in PTA/PTO activities
Work on school newsletter
Make materials at home
Take students on a tour of your business

Listen to children read
Provide individual help
Set up learning centers
Photocopy materials
Work in library
Practice vocabulary with students
Play games at recess
Assist with hearing testing
Prepare bulletin boards
Work with struggling students
Help select library books
Chaperone dances
Set up or run bookstore
Help with cooking projects
Set up science experiments
Collect lunch money
Make list of library resources
Supervise groups taking tests
Show a video
Reinforce recognition of numerals
Help children with motor skills problems
Help students play an instrument
Help with handwriting practice
Drill spelling words
Share knowledge and experiences
Help prepare assembly programs
Beautify school grounds
Help with fund-raising projects
Ask others to volunteer
Supervise a class while a teacher attends a conference
Repair toys and classroom materials
Be a WatchDog Dad